Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Bible Doesn't Have a Book of Jacob... Part 2

The lovely Marcia comes to the rescue: the Greek New Testament has the book of Jacobus, not James. The English translators must have chosen James over Jacob for some reason. The first half of this article,, talks about how the switch from Jacobus to James may have occurred. Interesting. The Russian translation of the Bible sticks with the original Greek name, Jacob. I don't hold to the second half of the article. I'm not familiar with the Tentmakers, but a quick perusal suggests they're a universalist group of some sort.


Marcia said...

That is really funny, bf. I laughed out loud. My Bible doesn't have the book of Jacob, too. ... where are the emoticons when you need them?!!!

Jenai Rothnie said...

That's a wierd article, I don't think he likes the book of James/Jacob! Lol :) But anyways...I wonder if in a lot of cases where there is controversy over who wrote a particular book, such as with James and some other books that are not as popular or so concrete as to which specific apostle or prophet wrote them, name confusion might come into play. If the name itself has been modified or polluted (moreso than than like a Judas to Jude which is easier to catch, but a very large shift like Jacob/James) it would possibly make the candidates for who actually wrote the book a bit broader in some cases, or smaller in others. Crazy english translations!